Thursday, May 3, 2007

Disaster Strikes!

This is a very brief post to let loyal readers know that our three-month old laptop has gone a bit wrong. Don't buy British! Or Chinese. Or wherever my PC was put together out of reject parts by someone who wasn't concentrating on the job at hand.

Anyway, this'll be the last post (pun intended) until I can get it fixed. I just hope that people out in the Australian outback know what they're doing with high-tech equipment.

"Hey, thanks for fixing my....what the Dickens have you done?"

"Well, the blades weren't turning and I couldn't..."


"Laptop? I thought it was a combine harvester..."

Better go as it's 10am so I'm officially late for work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Friday morning blogger with a Friday afternoon laptop. Some sweet irony there.

Your old is PC is currenty downstairs, I could box it up and ship it out for snall fee?

Seriously, I hope you get back on line to continue brightening up our Fridays
