We've had to buy a new computer. The old one just cannot be fixed in Oz, so we've bitten the bullet and got a new one. It's pretty snazzy. Just the thing for updating my blog and writing sermons. I might find time to install a couple of games as well but we'll see. After having finally got to grips with Windows XP I'm now expected to learn how to use Windows Vista. Too much change!
As an example of the nightmare flux of my life here is a picture of Darren tiling the floor of our laundry. I'd just got used to the hardboard floor and now we've got a magnificent mosaic instead. It's too much.
And my wife! She's only gone and started riding motorbikes again. I don't think I

See that? That's a Redback spider - a nasty little poisonous critter that lives round these parts. The colder weather forces them indoors. This particular specimen was found nesting in the pushchair that belonged to our neighbour. See what I mean about the danger involved in my life? I'm going to have to go and have a sit down and watch the finest Saturday night entertainment that Australia has to offer - namely The Bill. That's right. The Bill is prime-time TV fare here. In fact, much of the TV seems to have been sourced from the UK. It's quite interesting.
So anyway. With all the danger and old British TV why am I enjoying it here at all. Let me show you another picture and you can hopefully see one of the reasons why. Have a great week!

You could given a warning that the spider picture was coming. . .
Unit Rendle Clone 378645X (also known as Evana) sends her greetings. It's amazing how much radiation and toxic waste she can withstand at the moment. My genetic experiments are working.
Love the shot of the sky. James, join Facebook.
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