I'm going to start with a little reflection today. I remember a time back when I was a lad and we had - as a family - gone on one of our infrequent outings to Milton Keynes to wander around the futuristic dystopian shopping mall of Buckinghamshire's favourite new town. My parents bought a tape (this was back in the day when you didn't have CD players in your car unless you were Dr. Who or some other time travelling rascal) tape that purported to contain Colin Blunstone's Greatest Hits or something like that. Except it wasn't. It was Colin Blunstone's Greatest Hits 'tributed' by someone else. I guess mum and dad should have heard the alarm bells when they saw that the cassette declared that it starred "Paul Bean and His Amazing Wurlitzer". I remember dad putting it in the tape player and being extremely disappointed to find out that not only was it purely instrumental but that it had been done by someone on a Casio keyboard for a GCSE music project.
There is a reason why I sharing all this nostalgia with you. This tale came to mind when we were in Target today and I was tempted to be a CD called Synthesizer Greats for $2. I know I should have been warned off by the fact that it said 'Instrumental' down the spine and had the name L'Orchestra Electronique on it, but I went against my better judgement. Actually, it's turned out to be a pretty good purchase. The nature of synthesizer music means that it's not hard for a tribute band to reproduce the exact sound of the original, and the fact that it's 'Instrumental' doesn't matter either because tunes like Chariots of Fire and Oxygene are not renowned for their lyrical excellence. Oh, I also bought a proper CD - Dystopia by the Midnight Juggernauts who are an Australian band that Terry would like.
When I was on the mat run yesterday I held the door open for an endearing aboriginal gentleman who said, I think, "Thank you, big Oz" as he went by. I've never heard that expression before but assume it's a generic greeting for a tall male fella who looks like he might be Australian. Mind you, as I said, there was something inherently endearing about the man so he could have said "Thank you, ugly troll" and I probably would have felt just as pleased. Having things like this happen to you is just one of the minor benefits of having a job like the mat run. The biggest benefit is, of course, that your forearms smell of rubber all the year round.
Xanthe has not been well recently. She's had an ear infection so has been on antibiotics for a week. They've been helping her ear, but no-one warned us about the horrible side effects! Her hand has swollen to the extent that it's now as large as her head!
The clocks go forward tonight, and they go back in the UK so that means we'll go from being 9 hours ahead to being 11 hours ahead. I put that information in for family members who might not be aware of the chronological changes.
I've been doing this for a while now - at least one blog a week for 38 weeks. I'm thinking of cutting back to a fortnightly blog simply so that I can maintain the quality that I know that all of you discerning readers demand. So this is my way of saying that there might not be a blog posted next Saturday (but there might) and if there isn't then one will be along in another week. Have a good week/fortnight!