The photo above is how I looked before the Australia/England rugby game last week. There is no photo of how I looked during or after the game, but be assured that I definitely looked happier that I do in the photo above. The game against France is being shown at 4a.m. tomorrow morning. I think I'll be giving that one a miss. I'll have to check the score when I wake up in the morning.
Open Week has finished here at Cornerstone. I think that it went very well and it certainly seemed to make a positive impact on many of the the people who visited us. I enjoyed talking to people and hearing their stories - it's fascinating to hear how God is and has been working in people's lives. I also really enjoyed the first game of soccer I've played since arriving in Australia. Of course, regular fellow-players will not be surprised to learn that I dazzled the entire nation with my silky skills. However, I did discover that, despite the exertions of the mat run, I seem to be a bit out of shape. It also showed me that I do miss the games I used to enjoy as an integral part of HHBC FC. Maybe I can remedy that situation in the near future.
I've found that, pretty much without exception as far as I know, people who spend some time living here in community at Burrabadine are generally attracted to what we are doing and experiencing out here. Cornerstone is far from perfect, but the heart of what it is about is focused on mission, discipleship and whole-of-life spirituality. The general response from Christians who spend enough time here to get over the 'radical' nature of things can see the advantages and blessing of the way that we're doing things. I think it can be quite hard to be confronted with the example of a different way of living, especially as people can see that there's a lot to be said for it. There are things that could be a lot better here; things that other organisations will do very well, but I think that Cornerstone has made a genuine difference over the years and will keep doing so as it continues.
Eddie is back! No, not really. I haven't seen him in many months so have to assume that he's long gone and maybe been eaten by something. Possibly Reid. This lizard was spotted outside our house a couple of days ago in about the same spot that Reid saw the lizard with the black tongue a long time ago (I mention it in a previous blog, continuity fans). When we drove to Bourke was saw a few lizards just sitting on the road, sunning themselves. There is a lot more variety of reptilian activity here in Oz. We are not known for out scaly wildlife in the UK.
Speaking of which, the flies. THE FLIES! I've already mentioned the veracity of the flies here and I've been suffering for the past couple of weeks. Just stepping outside of the house is an invitation to be set-upon by a swarm of The Buzzing Death. They are either very brave or highly stupid as they seem to have no sense of self-preservation. They sit on your face until you try to kill them and then...then they fly off for a nanosecond before returning to your face. I'm surprised at how well I've adapted to them so far. Annoying as they are they don't bother me as much as they used to. However, I have a feeling that when the summer finally kicks in I'll be longing for the days when they only attacked in groups of ten. I have to say that I don't think I'll ever get used to the terribly horrible position of getting in the car and setting off only to find that you've trapped three flies in with you. You're totally at their mercy then as any attempt to swipe them away, open the door or even shoo them out of a window can result in sudden veering and / or potential death. You just have to sit and bear it as they proceed to lay eggs in your eyelids. Still, I suppose that life can't just be fun all the time.
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