The big news today? I wouldn't call myself a 'traditionalist' as such but they've started putting Splashe cola in plastic bottles instead of glass and it just doesn't feel right.
Well, I know you've all been waiting for the update on my finger so here it is. As you can see from the photo the black scab has moved up my finger, probably signalling its future decay. On the plus side you'll be able to see that the bottom of the nail has come away and revealed underneath brand new shiny fingernail, so I'm hoping that this kind of overlap will occur for the whole nail meaning that I am never without nail protection. Isn't the human body amazing. STAY TUNED FOR THE LATEST UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE.
Calvin had his first day at 'big' school today. In Australia you can decide whether to send your child in the January when they are five or six, so they stay at home longer here than in the UK. Calvin's been ready for a while - he was dressed in 'uniform', hat and shoes by 6:30am. He'll be going for one morning a week for the next month as part of his induction into the school. Here he is in his uniform. He was very excited. The day went very well indeed.
I'll let you all know how my finger is getting on shortly.
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