Hello everyone. This'll just be short update to let you know a bit more about what happened this week during Cornerstone's 30th anniversary muster.
There were a many hundred people there (which is my way of saying that there were a few hundred - more than three but less than seven - without having to be exact). I missed the Thursday and Friday sessions because I was working, but they were primarily reunions for ex-students of specific centres. I was involved in the Saturday morning session, interviewing some of the ex-deans of Cornerstone centres through the ages. You can see me on the left with a funky radio mic. I'm so rad.
For those of you have heard of him, Colin Buchanan did a couple of songs. He was very good. The Saturday evening was a concert with various Cornerstoners (including Colin again) taking part. There were some exceptionally good acts. I missed the end because, like every session I have ever attended at any Cornerstone event, it over-ran and I had to go home.
It was a tiring weekend, but it was really good to get to meet some of the people we've heard about.
Despite not getting top billing, the fingernail saga continues. I took matters into my own hand and begin to peel off the last remaining fragment of nail. The photo above was taking during this process. I had managed to detach all of the nail bar one small corner, which was still stuck to my skin. The photo just below was taken shortly after I completed the process of removing the whole nail. It hurt and there was a fair amount of blood, but I was a very brave boy and Ruth said that I could have some ice cream. I'll write again soon. Maybe I'll have to damage another fingernail so that I can continue this section; clearly the most popular part of my blog. Have a good week.
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