Can you believe it? We've had storms pretty much every night for the the past few days. There's been plenty of rain - so much rain, in fact, that our garden is more like a bog than a garden at the moment. It's still summer and it's still really hot but it's also really wet. Dubbo usually 'enjoys' a dry heat, but it's been very humid this year. So I suppose we still haven't really experienced a true Dubbo summer.
Our new garden, water features aside, has some nice aspects to it. It's very big, which everyone in the family (except the designated lawn-mower pusher - i.e. me) loves. We are also growing grapes, lemons, limes, oranges and other edible vegetation. That's quite amazing. The grapes growing on our vine just outside the house are probably the tastiest grapes I've ever had. The only downside being that they are, of course, seeded grapes. Stupid non-genetically modified fruit.
Here's a few photos of our orchards. Admittedly, only the grapes look remotely edible at the moment but it's the thought that counts.
Calvin started school this week. Here he is in his school uniform, looking just a little bit like a tiny witch.
Still, I think that's better than this photo of Reid on the day that he started preschool (also this week). For some reason this photo reminds me of Jimmy Krankie.
They both got on very well with their new adventures. It's been quite a big week in that respect and it's made me feel a little tearful at some times. Mind you, that might have something to do with the mosquitoes that have been running rampant in the house.
Our mousetraps have been quite busy. Yesterday Ruth found a mouse that had gotten its rear end caught in the trap. It was still alive and struggling so Ruth grabbed it and tried to smack its head against the door frame. Unfortunately doing this meant that the mouse fell out of the trap and proceeded to escape, commando-crawl style, dragging its useless rear legs behind it. Ruth then smashed it to death with a newspaper. She's come a long way baby.
They are all gods creatures you know!!!!!
Wow... she really killed a mouse with her bare newspaper? Congratulations are in order. Motorcycle riding, mouse killing... what next?
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