This weekend has seen Cornerstone's second annual Men's Conference, so I've been spending the past forty-eight hours being all manly and stuff. It's tiring work and as a result I need to go and have a nice lie down and sponge my fevered brow with a cold flannel. I think it was the harsh brutality of the paintball that did it. A few of the other guys went to play paintball. I didn't go, but I got so tired and nervous just thinking about it that I had to come and sit down in a darkened room for three hours. Oh the humanity!
One of the things that we did was based on Joshua chapters 3 & 4. In the story, the Israelites have just crossed the river Jordan and build a stone memorial so that they will remember what God has done. The idea was that when the children of the Israelites said "Dad, what's that pile of stones doing there?" then the story would be told and so it would be that God's goodness would be remembered from generation to generation. Someone thought that it would be good if we did a similar thing, so we built a wall. We were divided into groups depending on which training centre in Cornerstone's history that we represented. Then each group was responsible for laying a couple of bricks (seconds from the brick-makers that used to run on the Cornerstone site - in other words, we used stones that the builders had rejected...) on the site of a wall. The idea was that when the wall was complete we would lay on top some bricks we've had for a while that were marked with one of Cornerstone's 'mottos' ('To Understand, To Live, To Teach'). I thought it was a pretty cool idea, and I assume that the purpose is the same as it was in Old Testament times - we will look at it and others will be told the story of what it represents and God's goodness will be remembered.
After the monument was completed there was an opportunity for us to make a gesture of commitment / re-commitment to the path that God wants for our lives. It was something worth doing. We don't usually do symbols well in the evangelical tradition, which is a shame because we can miss out on good stuff like this.
Enjoy your week, and try and do something that gives you a physical reminder of God's goodness to look back upon.