Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Life after Death

So we're in the post-Easter period now (both in terms of 2009 and human history in general) and I think that we're also entering a difficult period in the life of a community. At least, that's what it seems like to me. The honeymoon period is over and the realities of work, study and life together are really beginning to sink their pointy teeth into the shoulder-region of our collective expectations and experiences.

That was a rather pretentious way of saying that everyone seems to be feeling a bit tired and jaded at the moment.

Ruth and I have our own reasons for feeling this way. Baby number four will be slithering into the world sometime in the next four weeks (God willing) and I'm beginning to get the old "What Are We Doing?" jitters. Having a new child around tends to irrecoverably change your life again, after having just about got used to child number three. What's more, we're still in Bridging Visa limbo - and probably will be until we've had the new baby and managed to get a passport and medical for him/her - and I'm still learning and finding my feet in this whole teaching and discipleship thing. In other words, I feel very much like I'm in a state of flux at the moment and I'm not really very good at handling that kind of thing. In fact, you might say that I'm not a flux capacitor. What I will say, however, is that I'm a whole lot better than I used to be. I think this is a result of actually beginning to learn from the experiences that God has inflicted on us. I have this sneaking suspicion that He might actually be able to be trusted with everything. Not bad, considering that this July/August will mark the 16th anniversary of me starting my serious attempt to follow Jesus. From those months onwards, I will officially be able to claim that I have been a Christian for most of my life. It's about time that I learned something.

I think that next time that I write, I might share with you some of the changes that have resulted from the screen fast that we shared in over Lent. It was a really helpful time for me. Now, I'm off to watch Je Souhaite from The X-Files season seven. Sounds French.


Terry Wright said...

Not the best episode, but amusing enough...

James and Ruth Webb said...

Hmmmm...I found the pacing in Series Seven really weird. They put three 'comedy' episodes in a row which I think is a strange decision.