Anyway, that's about as exciting as elections can get. I thought I should update with a few photos, as I haven't posted any recently.
Also, I'm planning to take a trip to the UK in the New Year. I should be back in Blighty from the 27th December to the 17th January. I look forward to the blistering chill of the deathly winter winds of Northern Europe.
Without further ado, here are the photos.
First up - it's been a while since you saw photos of the children, so here are a couple of the boys who had birthdays recently. Reid is now six, and Parker was one in May. See if you can spot who is who...
And we've had a lot of rain here. Lots and lots of rain. It's been the biggest rainfall for about seven years, or something like that. The creek in the paddock at the bottom of the garden has been dry since we arrived here one and a half years ago, but the recent rainfall filled it up.
But not content with being full, it actually kept taking on water and flooded, which made it a tourist attraction for sheep from all around NSW.
And finally, here's Calvin deep in theologically conversation with Johnson, a student from Papua New Guinea. Community is a good thing for our children (sponsored by Coca-Cola).
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