The boys have bikes. We found them quite cheap so Ruth bought them. They were probably quite cheap because they required Churchillian perseverance to put them together.

Ruth taught Calvin how to use our digital camera. Nice one Ruth! Now I spend my free time deleting photos of random objects from our memory card ("Look! It's a broom! That's a good one of the toilet flush."). Actually, some of his photos aren't bad at all. He took the one above (of the bikes) for example. I'm going to display some of his better ones below.

Calvin has started at preschool and is loving it. He gets to take a packed lunch, which is the best thing ever as far as he's concerned. Furthermore, he also gets to take a packed 'morning tea'. It's quite odd. 'Morning tea' is a big deal here and a far more accepted phenomenon than it is in the UK. It feels like it should be an English thing ("More Morning Tea vicar?") but the Aussies do it properly.
On Calvin's first day he won a dancing competition and was awarded a prize by an alien. You've really got to hand it to the Australian education system.
Today we had a prolonged dust storm. It gets very windy here, and because the terrain is so flat and dry it simply whips up dust everywhere. You soon learn not to leave your windows open. One of the results of storms (of either the dust or rain variety) here is that our Internet connection can be a little inconsistent. However, the blog must go on!
This weekend was the staff conference. It meant that the staff from all of the Cornerstone sites were here at Dubbo for the weekend. It was really nice to get to meet people we'd heard about, as well as get a broader picture of the work that Cornerstone does around Oz. It just confirms for us that we're in the right place at the right time. I think that next time I write I'll try and say more about what Cornerstone is about.
The problem I have is that there's just so much that I could write. I really don't know what to say next at the moment, so I'll just leave you with a photo of the three children - plus an unexpected cameo from Doctor Octopus and Spiderman's feet!

James: I am thrilled that your talents as a writer far surpass your talents as a bicyle mechanic. Dad
It's always a pleasure to see Doctor Octopus in any photo, James. (By the way, I've seen the Spidey 3 trailer. . . it looks good.)
James, it's good to hear all that is going on. I feel I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't let you in on QPR's recent football results. I'm afraid to say that Ipswich pummeled QPR into the ground with a 2-1 thrashing. But I'm sure you know that already, I just wanted to gloat!
Have fun. BTW it's pretty hot and sunny here today.
Whilst you have been away, the UK has been attacked by giant lizards. We all now kneel to Lord Klarggg and his New World Order (tm). We are forced to eat fruitbats.
Glad to hear all is well on the other side of the world and that your children are being indoctrinated by a nation that wears corks dangling from their hats.
Take care my friend,
Ben and Helen
p.s. I was lying about the lizards just in case you took me seriously.
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