Reid and I decided to bring Calvin in to line and give him the Offical Webb Male Haircut (tm). He quite enjoyed me buzzing around his head with an electric razor and it certainly looks pretty good. His hair was getting a bit chaotic evil.

I've found a simple pleasure - having a shower after finishing work. My work now is a lot more physical than it used to be (unless you count wrestling some of the elders to the ground when a leadership meeting got out of hand) and is certainly a lot more dirty (unless you count...nah. I won't say that). After five hours driving round Dubbo in the MatMobile and then heaving filthy mats around I've found that there's something indescribably wonderful about coming home and having a hot shower. For me this has driven home the fact that we in the West surround ourselves with so many creature comforts designed to make us happier and our lives more enjoyable but then reality is that very few things are actually needed to live a life worth living and full of joy. Nothing in the Argos catalogue can give the deep satisfaction of a life lived for God in genuine relationship with other Christians. In this context, with fundamental needs met, an immense amount of pleasure can be gained from having a shower, taking a walk, drinking Splashe cola and simple things like that.
Eddie has a girlfriend! Ruth and I came home one evening to find this little lady attached to one of our walls.

Despite our best efforts Xanthe has got some kind of auto-quiff going on with her hair. Unless we make a concerted effort to paste it down it springs up like a 'roo. It makes her look like some kind of alternative comedian.

We've been here for over a month now. It's been a good month. I got my first assignment back and scored an implausibly high 85%. I think that means that 85% of what I wrote made some kind of sense. That's pretty good going for me. I celebrated by buying a packet of mint M&Ms. They seemed like a good idea but were, overall, disappointing. In future I shall only buy them if I score less than 50% on an assigment. Hope you are all enjoying your lives, whatever you are doing at the moment. Peace out!

Number Six
I'm useless at this sort of thing, and Andy's crypticism is lost on me! Edwina? Would make a nice pairing.
Her hairstyle reminds me of Leia.
"the Eagle Edwards"
It's undoubtedly scriptural to name lizards after biblical characters. How about Salome? Or Dinah?
The capsicum is impressive, but not as impressive as the radioactive dinosaurs the lads are playing with. What on earth have they been injected with to make them glow so?
Aren't all Aussie girls called Sheila? Eddie & Sheila has a certain ring to it...
I think you should call it "Lounge". Geez I crack myself up.
By the way, why does your family look like they all belong in the British National Party (except Ruth) ?
So, Lord Shrimpor, you show yourself in public and demonstrate that you are little more than an imposter! Everybody knows that I am the real Lord Shrimpor the Magnificent and you slur my good name with your cheap remarks about the Webb family haircuts. You will rue the day that you crossed my path when I slay you with my power-pouch of Gary Micklewhite Panini stickers.
Tremble in fear, imposter, tremble in fear.
No NO. *I* am the real Terry, and I demand a human sacrifice, including burnt pomegranates and a full length cardboard cut out of Sid Vicious.
So nur nur nur nur nur......
Why didn't someone tell me about this blog sooner? I haven't yet posted any comments about anything and I do so want to. I love Hugh Grant, by the way, he's a simply super actor.
All this makes me want to break out in song, but unfortunately my dolcet tones cannot be accurately transcribed by mere text. The nearest one can get to it is to think of Greek gods relaxing by a stream of water, eating grapes as George Formby plays a cover of East 17's House of Love on his banjo. After all, did not our Lord say, 'In the house of love, everybody is free'?
I must leave for now: I'm expecting Miss Marple to call round, as she needs some help removing some fromage frais from her liver, and I have the only pair of diamond-studded tweezers in town.
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